Gas safety – are you in the know?

Some householders are less familiar with what a central heating flush entails often panic if they happen to have their flush carried out by a plumber that isn’t Gas Safe registered.

We must stress that a regular power flush only deals with the water aspect of the central heating system, and that we don’t normally have to work on the boiler to carry out the flush.

However, it can sometimes be the boiler that is the root of your problem, not a build-up of limescale and sludge in your central heating system. If this is the case, we will always send out an engineer who is Gas Safe registered.

If you are in any doubt as to whether you need a Gas Safe registered engineer, please enquire when you first contact us, as these engineers are nearly always in high demand.

Why is gas safety so important?

It is essential that your home or place of work is Gas Safe for a wide array of reasons.

The primary reason is health and safety. If your boiler is badly maintained or broken, it can begin to leak carbon monoxide gas. 

Carbon monoxide is notorious for being extremely deadly, albeit also extremely unnoticeable. The gas cannot be seen or smelt, so there is no way of detecting it without a device such as a detector or alarm being in place. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can include headaches, dizziness/weakness, sickness and even death, if you inhale too much.

Luckily, during a boiler service, our engineers will check gas ventilation levels and test your boiler for leaks, eliminating any worry about your boiler functioning incorrectly.

A power flush’s best friend…

Having your boiler serviced can also massively increase the efficiency at which your central heating system runs. Even if it’s just once a year, a service will lengthen the life of your boiler and keep everything running smoothly and safely throughout – just like a power flush.

Landlords should especially bear in mind that they are legally required have all of the gas boilers in their property serviced on a yearly basis.

For more information on boiler servicing, power flushing or any of the other services we offer, please don’t hesitate to contact Power Flush Wizard today.