5 reasons to talk to us about boiler replacement in London.

Heaven knows that running a household in London is pricey enough without having to worry about forking out money for boiler servicing, repair work or replacement as well.

It’s therefore understandable that many people living in the capital may not even think about replacing their boiler until their old one breaks down and they are forced to act. However, it’s also why, here at Power Flush Wizard, we advise residents of London to be a little bit more proactive, considering the merits of outright boiler replacement at an earlier stage.

Here are five more reasons why a boiler replacement in London undertaken by one of our highly reputable Gas Safe registered engineers may be one of the best investments you ever make. 

1. We offer unashamedly efficient boilers

It seems like an obvious point, but the very latest boilers really are more efficient – to such an extent that you could slash more than £300 off your gas bills every year as a result of having one installed, thereby enabling it to pay for itself rather more quickly than you might have presumed.

Here at Power Flush Wizard, we are proud to supply extremely efficient “A” rated boilers.

2. We know what your boiler needs really are

You might have noticed from a quick glance at our website that boiler replacement in London is far from our only service – we undertake power flushing, of course, but also all manner of other central heating upgrades such as electrolytic scale inhibitors and MagnaClean filters.

It all means that we are better placed than almost any other company to advise you on whether you would be best-served by the outright replacement of your boiler, or instead some more modest tweaks to your existing system.

3. New parts can become harder to find over time

However, the older your boiler becomes, the more difficult it can be to source compatible upgrades, meaning that a full-blown replacement may be the most cost-effective solution.

While we will always try to supply parts for your boiler even if it is a long-discontinued model, it isn’t always possible to find that vital replacement part for an especially old boiler.

4. Your house may have changed

Have you recently had your property extended, or perhaps you’re contemplating the installation of solar panels or underfloor heating? If so, your existing boiler may not be well-suited to the altered needs of your London home.

5. Your existing boiler is no longer safe

This is one circumstance in which you will definitely need to invest in a replacement boiler. If, when one of our Gas Safe registered engineers comes to your property to service your boiler, they find that it is no longer safe, you are welcome to speak to us about a new model.

Remember that the installation of any new boiler must always be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer! Contact Power Flush Wizard today, and you’ll quickly discover the reasons for our incredible reputation when it comes to boiler replacement in London.